How To Fix Low Storage On Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus

How to fix low storage on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus

The best way to fix low storage on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus to help you recover on-board storage – Simple steps to fix low storage on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus is one of Samsung best android devices which you can find on the market currently for a reasonable price. Every smartphone has its own advantages and the disadvantages but when it comes to Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus low storage issue become significant.

Most users have encountered this problem where phone storage get very low without loading any information on the device. So I put it to the test and realized that most of its storage is used by app data, OS itself and cached data on the smartphone. The problem usually when apps update, downloading information or when you install new large apps which expand during installation.

The problem is that you cannot control that or clear some of the cached files which consume large storage just because you will not see where the junk files are located. Even when using junk cleaning app you will not be able to remove the cached files because they are hidden.

So today I will be showing you how you can easily solve this problem on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus because this affect most users of this device.

Since you cannot clean the cached files completely other than clearing each app data as by doing that you will be removing every information on those apps. Clearing data will be temporary and if you use that app again, the data you cleared will have to be loaded then is back to square one.

Now what you can do is to move your apps to the SD Card using a tool called “ZDbox” (Download ZDbox Here) or any other app to SD Card app you can find on Play store. Make sure you inserted at least 8Gig SD Card on your smartphone. Install the ZDbox app and chooseApp to SD” then selectBatch Move” and select the apps you want to move to the SD Card. Use the “Manage Spaceoption on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus to select the storage which will be used by the app you moving, in some case you can just use the “Manage Spaceoption for the app you want to move to the SD Card.

After that you will notice that you recovered your on-board storage, you can move as many apps as you wish.

Congratulations, you successfully recovered some of your storage on your Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus!


IT Support Specialist, Web Developer and SEO Specialist


  1. Thanks for the information I've been facing storage issues for a long time, I had to format my phone every single while. I hope this works out.

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